October 24, 2009

Sprouted Coconut

This strange looking object is a sprouted coconut. In Kerala we call it "poung". You can cut it like a cake. It is sweet, slightly juicy and has a spongy texture. When coconuts are harvested, they are  piled up in big heaps.

October 15, 2009

Date Cupcakes

I have been trying to get my family to snack with more nutrition impact. I bought assorted nuts and dry fruits like figs and dates. The nuts and figs disappeared quickly but the dates were sitting too long in their glass bottles. So I decided to give them a makeover and it was a big hit.

October 7, 2009

Coin Appams or Coin Pancakes

My son loves coin appams or coin pancakes. The size is the key -  a bite sized portion that fits in little hands and goes into their mouths in a gulp or two. My son readily eats tiny food portions. The small size somehow makes it more appealing and special.